The Federazione Ciclistica Italiana (FCI), the Italian cycling federation, has a cyclocross series of five races named the "Giro d'Italia Cross". The races are taking place in different Italian cities. The first event was Sunday in Lucca. The event schedule is as follows:
1° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, November 15, in Lucca (completed)
2° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, November 22, in Modena
3° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 8, in Faè di Oderzo (TV)
4° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 12, in Borgosesia (VC)
5° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 13, in Ornavasso (VB)
Photo: cyclocross in Lucca; proof that while the scenery may change, mud is the same everywhere in the world; yes, that is Mario Cipollini getting ready to send off the juniors.
Stories for the Italian Cycling Journal welcome; contact me at veronaman@gmail.com. There are more than 1,000 stories in this blog; the search feature to the right works best for finding things in the blog.
1° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, November 15, in Lucca (completed)
2° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, November 22, in Modena
3° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 8, in Faè di Oderzo (TV)
4° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 12, in Borgosesia (VC)
5° PROVA GIRO D’ITALIA CROSS, December 13, in Ornavasso (VB)
Photo: cyclocross in Lucca; proof that while the scenery may change, mud is the same everywhere in the world; yes, that is Mario Cipollini getting ready to send off the juniors.
Stories for the Italian Cycling Journal welcome; contact me at veronaman@gmail.com. There are more than 1,000 stories in this blog; the search feature to the right works best for finding things in the blog.
Alessandro Guerciotti, son of the famous 'crosser Paolo is holding the pink jersey in the last photo with one of his bicycles.