Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Gruppo 1 Announcment for 2008

Giuseppe, otherwise known as Beppe, is the Gruppo 1 club President. He's a great guy, patient, and takes many club responsibities onto himself. Among these are the monthly newsletter. The January newsletter covered the topics below (I will include it in Italian as well so you have some idea of what it is like living in an Italian language world):

ISCRIZIONI 2008: Si invitano tutti coloro che non si sono ancora iscritti, a portare al più presto il certificato medico e una foto formato tessera al nostro segretario Roberto Peretti. Everyone who has not already enrolled for 2008 should bring, as soon as possible, their medical certificate (note: required in Italy) and a photo formatted for the license to our Secretary.

STESURA CALENDARIO 2008: L’Udace ha fissato per domenica 27 Gennaio 2008 alle ore 9.00 presso i Circoli Sportivi di via Bassa a Sommacampagna la stesura del calendario delle varie manifestazioni ciclistiche veronesi 2008, il nuovo calendario sarà visibile in sede da giovedì 07/02/08. The UDACE (note: a national cycling organization) has set Sunday, January 27, at 9:00 a.m. to announce the cycling events calendar (note: includes radunos & racing) for the province of Verona. The calendar will be available at the Gruppo 1 headquarters Thursday, February 7.

ISCRIZIONI - RIMBORSI: Ai Soci che nel corso del 2008 avranno partecipato ad almeno 10 cicloraduni, verrà detratto l’importo di € 1.50 per ogni cicloraduno effettuato, dalla “Quota associativa Gruppo 1” dovuta per l’anno 2009.
Coloro che invece raggiungeranno i 20 cicloraduni nel 2008 per l’iscrizione 2009 verseranno solamente un contributo pari alla “Quota associativa tessera base Udace
”. All members that during the course of 2008 participate in a minimum of 10 radunos will receive a deduction of 1.50 Euro per raduno from their 2009 dues. Members participating in 20 radunos or more will only pay the base UDACE membership dues (note: these are all incentives to increase club participation in raduno events; search my blog under "raduno" for an explanation of what these are).

Giovedì 24 gennaio 2008 ore 20.30: incontro di formazione aperto a tutti presso il Centro Sportivo Promosport via Bassa a Sommacampagna (VR)
Prostata e ciclismo - Vino e sport - V02 max (massimo consumo di ossigeno): novità nei testi di valutazione.
Thursday, January 24, at 8:30 p.m. at the Sport Center in Sommacampagna there will be a meeting open to all. The topics will be: Prostate and cycling, wine and sport, new innovations in Vo2 max testing.

Domenica 6 Gennaio 2008 ore 9.30 come ormai da tradizione prima uscita stagionale verso il lago. Sunday, January 6, 9:30 a.m. is our traditional first club ride towards Lake Garda. Ricordiamo ancora che ogni mercoledì e sabato ore 9.30, presso la Croce Bianca, alcuni soci si ritrovano per una “sgambata”d’allenamento non impegnativa, alla quale siamo tutti invitati. Remember that every Wednesday and Saturday at 9:30 a.m. some club members meet at the Croce Bianca for training rides, all are invited (note: members accumulate points for participating in announced rides and at the end of the year there are trophies awarded. The Wednesday and Saturday rides are not part of this scheme).

Photo: "Beppe", 2007.


  1. Angelo: Thanks for the Italian. As my wife and I plan to visit Italy in '08, I have taken it upon myself to learn the language via CD and lesson book. So far it's mezzo-mezzo. Temps here in NJ are in the 20's for highs w/wnd chill in the single digits, therefore alll riding is on the indoor trainer. It is expected to improve dramatically though next week
