Monday, September 7, 2009

Pietro: Almost Lantern Rouge

Peter, aka "Pietro", files his seventh report, now riding with the Andy Hampsten tour.

"Tuesday, September 1, 2009: Day 5 Loop Ride over Passo Staulanza and Duran; 65 km Ride from over Passo Staulanza (1773 m) and Passo Duran (1605m).

It’s now Friday when I write this. As it’s been more than a few minutes since the ride, I can’t remember anything as I’m an old man and going senile.

Once we reach the summit, we descend into the valleys. The descents are long with lots of hairpins. This is a hard core group and they all fly down the descents.

Passo Duran is tough as it has steeper pitches.

But I finish this ride and we all get a rest day tomorrow.

I am the Lantern Rouge (well almost)!!! Lantern Rouge is the sag wagon that picks up the last rider in the Tour de France.


Photos: Goats on Passo Staulanza, the scenery

Stories, including cycling trip stories, for the Italian Cycling Journal welcome; contact veronaman@gmail

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