On the rain soaked, 262 km, 11th stage of the Giro d’Italia from Lucera to l’Aquila, the entire Liquigas team wore special helmets. The helmets, MET Sine Thesis models with special graphics, are being auctioned now on (Italian) Ebay as a fundraiser for the “Collectivo 99”. Each helmet is autographed, and included are the helmets of Basso and Nibali.
The Collettivo 99 is a project to help young locals participate in an active role in the process of rebuilding a new l’Aquila which was devastated in the 2009 Earthquake.
As I write this there are slightly less than four days remaining in the auction. The item number for Basso's helmet is 140412494013; click on "Vedi gli altri oggettidi questo venditore" to see the other helmets.
Photos: Nibali crossing the finish line on Stage 11 (photo by Bettini); the MET Sine Thesis with special graphics.
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