The contest is open to USA citizens, no purchase necessary. Read rules here.
From www.formigliusa.com:
"Renzo’s Formigli's passion for cycling runs in his blood. His grandfather, father and brother were all professional cyclists. When Renzo was 12 years old, before and after school, he would linger at the bicycle shop in his home town of Florence, Italy. Through listening to builders he began to understand the mechanics of a bicycle. At the age of 19 Renzo met the man that would forever change his life. By luck, Renzo befriended Cino Cinelli, one of the most famous builders in the world of handmade frames. It was through Mr. Cinelli that Renzo learned the art of hand crafting racing frames. In 1990 Renzo created Formigli cycles with the mission to use modern technologies to re-create the custom, hand made frames that are the legend of Italian frame construction. Like an old fashion tailor, Renzo Formigli has perfected the art of custom frames built through his own proprietary process. Formigli frames are one of a kind and the highest quality racing frames available on the market."
Read how Formigli has come to establish a subsidiary in the USA, here.
Stories for the Italian Cycling Journal about rides, granfondos, having a good time cycling in Italy, Italian cycling history, etc. are very welcome. Contact me at veronaman@gmail.com. There are more than 1,500 stories in this blog. The search feature to the right works best for finding subjects in the blog and there is also a translate button at the bottom so you can translate each page.
These are very nice looking frame sets, I wish I could enter the competition but I'm Canadian. :(