WHOA. I need to recollect my thoughts and reconsider how I should write about this California adventure. I am overwhelmed from the entire experience.
Great people, great rides, wine tastings, late afternoon presentations, incredible dinners, and grappa nightcaps. It was, in its own unique Californian way, an opposite-side-of-the-planet "Ben Vivere" (the Good Life) which was chronicled by Buzz Yancich in 2009:
Ben Vivere, Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
The 2010 Paso GranFUNdo is finished. I am already looking forward to next year's.
Over the next few days I'll organize photos and stories.
Photo: Cross Canyon Road scene near San Miguel (Droid cell phone photo)
Stories for the Italian Cycling Journal about rides, granfondos, having a good time cycling in Italy, Italian cycling history, etc. are very welcome. Contact me at veronaman@gmail.com. There are more than 1,300 stories in this blog. The search feature to the right works best for finding subjects in the blog and there is also a translate button at the bottom so you can translate each page.
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