The most recent entries about the field limit at L'Eroica (for 60 and under) and the nice retro jerseys from DeMarchi brings me to the "Giro d’Italia per Bici d’Epoca" vintage cycling series.
The Giro d’Italia per Bici d’Epoca is a series of events to promote Italian vintage cycling. The series is a result of a collaboration between the leaders and organizers of Italian vintage bike events.
For 2011 the Giro d’Italia per Bici d’Epoca will be a series of twelve events (an increase of 1 from 2010) that will take place from 17 April to 8 October, 2010.
The events in the series are:
17 April: La Storica (www.lastorica.it) at Pietra Ligure (Sv);
15 May: L'intramontabile (www.ciclomuseo-bartali.it) at Ponte A Ema (Fi);
29 May: Medicea at Quarrata (Fi);
12 June: La polverosa (www.lapolverosa.it) at Monticelli Terme (Pr);
19 June: I forzati della strada (www.iforzatidellastrada.it) at Montottone (Fm);
9-10 July: K2 Ciclostorica (www.gsk2.it) at Udine (Ud);
19 July: Le valli della lana (www.levallidellalana.com) at Cossato (Bl);
31 July: L’alpina (www.alpinasport.prestabici.it) at Maso Spitz (Tn);
28 August: Coppi e Bartali at Apparita di Vinci (Fi);
4 September: Vacamora (www.vacamora.it) at Schio (Vi);
11 September: La leggendaria (www.laleggendaria.it) at Buja (Ud);
18 September: Strade bianche di Romagna (www.stradebianchediromagna.it) at Mordano (Bo);
8 October: re: L’epica (www.granfondoepica.it) a San Nicolò (Pc)
Last year the series had these rules and such: At the conclusion of the series trophies will be awarded to individuals and to one team (the basis of scoring system was not yet specified). Participants for the awards must enter at least four "ciclostoriche". The award ceremony will take place in Gaiole in Chianti October 2, 2010, during the L'Eroica. The participation in the "Giro" is open only to amateur cyclists and collectors of vintage bikes of all types that were built before 1985. Bikes should have on-frame shifters (no modern day brake/shifters), external cables, and pedals with toe straps. Enrollment is open to cyclists of all ages and all nationalities. Riders must wear wool cycling shorts and jerseys in accordance with the period of the bicycle.
I'll publish more information as I learn of it.
If you missed getting into L'Eroica don't despair, there are plenty of opportunities to participate in interesting events. On a smaller scale, of course.
Photos: riders at the 2010 La Storica which will be held on April 17th this year
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We can't wait to retire to Italy full-time so we can participate in some of these wonderful events! Thanks Angel(o)for the details.