If you missed the cut-off for entering, or were not selected in the random draw, there is one last chance to enter this year's Maratona dles Dolomites which is celebrating its 25th anniversary:
"160 registrations at an increased price which surchage is destined for charity (less the registration fee of 80 euro) to be purchased by credit card exclusively online on www.maratona.it on March 24th 2011 starting at 6 p.m. (GMT+1). This year the charity registrations will support 25 micro-projects for charity. The projects will be handled for the most part by the Association "Insieme si può" Onlus/NGO (www.365giorni.org) of Belluno and of other local associations as Assisport Alto Adige, the rural solidarity fund "Südtiroler Bäuerlicher Notstanfond", the association "La strada - Der Weg" and the Cancer Association of South Tyrol. Further information: www.maratona.it/info/charity-2011/en".
The Maratona will be held July 10th this year.
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July 1 for 2012, correct?