After a succesful debut in June of the 2010 Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon the organizers have decided to hold another edition in 2011 with a goal of 1,500 riders. The information from the organizers explains all:
"After the very successful debut last June, the organisers of the Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon are planning to have the second edition on July 2nd, 2011. Among the several novelties, there will be the 82-kilometre and 50-kilometre tracks again. The goal? 1500 riders, an ambition revealing that the Hero is one of the top events in the Italian mountain bike scene.
The old football saying "do not change the winning team" made the organisers of the Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon think of presenting the same competition for the second time in 2011. In fact, after its success last June, “Europe’s hardest mountain bike race” is here again with two tracks for those who love long-distance routes: a marathon track of 82 kilometres and one of 50 kilometres available to everyone (or almost everyone), which are both located in Dolomites: Val Gardena, Alta Badia, Arabba, Fassa and Alpe di Siusi. And the date? The second edition of the Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon will take place on Saturday, July 2nd with the traditional start and finish in Selva Gardena at an altitude of 1,563 meters.
Several novelties will be included in the competition that is located in four valleys around the Sella group in the provinces of Bolzano, Trento and Belluno. First of all in 2011 the Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon will be part of the FCI (Italian cycling association) national calendar, and after the 2010 zero edition (with a fixed registration limit of 500 participants) the organisers tripled the maximum number of participants, taking it to 1,500 riders. But be careful, because the registration process will start on Wednesday, October 20th on the website www.sellarondahero.com which mountain bike lovers have the opportunity to enjoy with the renewed design in the Hero spirit and the promo video:
Spot "Südtirol Sellaronda Hero 2011" - English Version from Val Gardena - Gröden on Vimeo.
The price money will be increased to 17,000 Euros, a 10% increment that will allow to give out prize money to the winners of the two tracks, but even to the participants who will win the Gardena Pass and Duron Pass GPM's.
Among the novelties that are being introduced by the organisers there is the Hero Time diploma for the participants who will finish the 82-kilometre track in a period of time that is less than 150% of the winner; obviously the Hero Time diploma will be introduced for the women's category as well with 150% of the winner's time for all riders on the marathon track. Lastly, the event is organised by Val Gardena Marekting and the tourist boards of Alta Badia, Arabba, Fassa and Alpe di Siusi, along with the Selva Gardena Tourist Office, and it is coordinated by the creators of the event, Gerhard Vanzi and Peter Runggaldier. The event staff has been working to make it a more engaging program with the Hero Kids, a little mtb "marathon" for kids of age 6/12 who will ride their bikes on a 3-kilometre track in the Selva Gardena village streets.
The only thing to do is to wait for the X-Hour on October 20th for the beginning of the registration process that will see a lot of participants. «At the end of the first edition we received numerous e-mails that expressed happiness and satisfaction of those who participated - Gerhard Vanzi said – and we hope to triple the number of riders in 2011 because the Hero structure turned out to be great in the biking field, not only in Italy but abroad as well». A proposal, the one offered at the Südtirol SellaRonda Hero Mtb-Marathon that combines different aspects of mountain biking: «On the one hand we want a proof that shows riders' athletic skills on the two tracks, considering that the marathon track features a difference in altitude of more than 4,200 meters – said Peter Runggaldier race director – and on the other hand we have the landscape and environmental elements that give the competition a one-time and unique feeling».
It will be possible to experience it starting October 20th thanks to a spectacular commercial video uploaded onto the event's website on which Peter Runggaldier – ex Italian downhill athlete but one who has always been a lover of the off-road discipline – is the protagonist of the Hero among his mountains, the Dolomites. Don’t miss it!"
Photos: 2010 event photos (click to enlarge)
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