The 3rd annual Monte Grappa Challenge is scheduled for July 16th. The challenge involves ascending Monte Grappa multiple times using the five possible routes to the summit. It is a non-competitive (not timed) event.
The percorsi (courses) are:
Base: 114.10 km - 3,300 m of ascent
Medium: 168.32 km - 4,935 m of ascent
Strong: 225.29 km - 6,591 m of ascent
Extra Strong: 273.40 km - 8,159 m of ascent
Of the 250+ riders last year 25 finished the Extra Strong course.
Event video (in Italian):
Event website: www.montegrappachallenge.org, there are slots available.
Stories related to Monte Grappa:
Climbing the "Jump of the Goat" (Salto della Capra)
Il Salto della Capra, La Pinarello Cycling Marathon
I HATED Climbing Until.....
My Ride of Monte Grappa, Part I
My Ride of Monte Grappa, Part II
NFL Linebacker Tackles the Gran Fondo del Monte Grappa
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Here's Jerry of www.cycloclimbing.com at the Mt Grappa Challenge last year: