Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Visit to Ciöcc for a Restoration

In this video Rory takes his 1973 Ciöcc to Giovanni Pelizzoli, founder and framebuilder of Ciöcc frames, to be restored.

At the beginning of the video Giovanni explains that Ciöcc was the nickname of both his grandfather and father and that he decided to use it as the name for his frames. Furthermore, he says that the name means nothing but did bring him good fortune. A Ciöcc was used by Claudio Corti to win the 1977 U23 World Championship at San Cristobal, Venezuela, hence the name of their signature model.

At the end of the video his son, Samuel, talks about how the frame will be painted and that the fork will be sent out for chroming.

Cicli Pelizzoli is located on via Enrico Fermi in Curno (BG). Website:

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  1. BRAVO! Grazie for putting this up, can't wait to see the completed restoration. Some slightly more modern eye-candy can be seen on our blog,

  2. Very cool, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest. An old Ciöcc is a thing of beauty.

  3. anyone have any idea when he stopped making bikes under the ciocc name?

  4. Jeffrey: they still do use Ciocc, see:
