The info below was based upon a news release on 18 February from Campagnolo advising of the possibility to extend the warranty of 11S gruppos from 3 to 4 years. This same information now also appears at http://www.campagnolo.com/jsp/en/newsdetail/newsid_64_newscatid_3.jsp (same text as news release)
Campagnolo has announced a warranty extension from 3 to 4 years if you register your 11 speed gruppo. Here are the announcement details:
We congratulate the new owners of the Campagnolo 11 Speed!
Owners of the Campagnolo 11 Speed drivetrain have the chance to extend their warranty from 3 to 4 years by simply registering on the website http://www.11speedowner.campagnolo.com/.
1. Go to 11 Speed Owner website
To extend the warranty, register on the site http://www.11speedowner.campagnolo.com/.
2. Enter the codes
Enter the unique code provided by the dealer at the moment of purchase or alternatively the product codes and the serial numbers of the components of the Campagnolo 11 Speed drivetrain. On the site you will find a simple guide for identifying them correctly.
3. Fill in the form
Filling in the registration form is fast and simple.
4. Years of warranty
When you have completed the registration procedure the warranty will automatically be extended by a fourth year. By logging in you can print your certificate of warranty whenever you want.
By registering on the http://www.11speedowner.campagnolo.com/ website the owners of the Campagnolo 11 Speed drivetrain also join the exclusive Campagnolo Club 11 and will be kept constantly abreast of all the Campagnolo novelties and initiatives for the 11 speed. The only condition: the Campagnolo 11 Speed drivetrain has to be composed by crankset, Ergopower controls, rear derailleur, front derailleur, chain and sprocket set.
Stories for the Italian Cycling Journal welcome; contact veronaman@gmail.com
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