Monday, January 18, 2010

ICJ Now On Facebook

The ultimate retro techno-grouch has just joined the 21st century on Facebook. I don't know where it's going but we are on the journey. Stop by and visit. Link is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is me, a bit grumpy, after climbing the Stelvio and descending half way on the wet hairpin turns.


  1. Methinks we need a link to the Facebook page.

  2. Facebook? Please keep the blog going no matter what other new media bits you get into. I sympathize with you on the Stelvio, to me there's not much worse than making it to the top of an epic climb and having the descent spoiled by wet roads! We're in Italy now, with finally an internet connection in our tiny apartment in Viterbo.

  3. Not to worry, the ICJ blog continues on....

  4. No worries either way. My worst crash was on a perfect blue day, dry roads, etc about half way down Passo Rolle. Worst part is that I actually slowed to a snail's pace before hosing things up. :)
