From Campagnolo:
"The secret of Campagnolo has always been summarised in three keywords: innovation, performance, and quality. We know that the quest for absolute precision and operating efficiency is what makes it possible to develop revolutionary technologies and products.
Those who are passionate are always highly attentive and well-informed. They know the products inside-out, discuss them in depth in the blogs and forums dedicated to the world of cycling, but often they don’t have the opportunity to verify the actual quality of these products themselves until after purchasing them.
But Campagnolo has the deep conviction that the only way to evaluate the advantages of the new technologies developed and applied to new products is to try them out.
This is the reason why Campagnolo created the Test 11 initiative.
At the Campagnolo® Pro-Shops certified as Campagnolo® Test Centers, you can do a road test on bikes equipped with 11-speed drivetrains and wheels featuring 2-Way Fit™, the revolutionary rim technology that makes it possible to fit either a tubeless tire or a classic clincher tire.
The Test 11 initiative is taking place in the following countries:
BENELUX: After the road test, Benelux participants can subscribe on the ICC website. At the end of the project, a lottery will be organised among the participants and the winner will win his or her own test bike!
USA/CANADA: The Campagnolo Test 11 Program starts in North America March 1, 2010 and runs through July 2010. If you don’t find a Test 11 Center in your area, please ask about it at your local retailer. Check back with us regularly as we are adding Test 11 Centers daily. For additional information; contact Campagnolo North America Inc. at 760-931-0106. (ed. note: at the time of writing this only 5 test centers were listed)
What are you waiting for? Now it’s your turn! Choose your bike and take off for TEST 11!
See the list of Pro-shop Test Centers that are participating in the initiative."
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