Six time World Bowling Champion from the Philippines, and holder of three Guinness world records, Paeng Nepomuceno recently sold his Confente track bike. Paeng said, "It had been on display in my trophy room and I had not been using it anymore. I have been cycling for more than 20 years and cycling is part of my cross training and fitness program for stamina and leg strength which helps my bowling a lot."
Paeng originally purchased the bike from the well known Brian Baylis. Baylis recounts some of the history of the frame, "Here are the real answers to your questions. That is a real Confente, frame #24 from LA.....I intended to keep it in my collection....the bike is 61cm which I could never ride, but I wanted an example of Mario's work. It was made as a frame for stock in NJ, at Rexart Cyclery. It was intended to be a fixed gear road bike from the very beginning, it is not a converted track bike; although it was ridden on the track during it history."
I've written many articles about Confente and Confente bikes. Please use the search feature to the right to find them.
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