"Paralympic cycling has entered to take a full part of Federciclismo and today we welcome the birth of this important competition in the specialty of the HandBike and its Giro d'Italia." With those words FCI (Federazione Ciclistica Italiana) President Renato Di Rocco promoted the new initiative to organize a six stage handbike race this summer. The winner will wear the "Maglia Rosa".
Preliminary stage start information was also announced:
June 2, 2010 – Bregnano (Como)
June 12,2010 – Parabiago (Milano)
June 13,2010 – Olgiate Olona (Va)
July 10, 2010 – Fossano (Cuneo
August 29, 2010 - Alba (Cuneo)
September 5, 2010 - Somma Lombardo (Varese)
Paralympic cycling came under the auspices of the FCI on March 1, 2009.
FCI's paralympic program details can be found here (in Italian).
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I saw these guys racing at Maniago one time- they haul ass!