One hundred years today, on May 13, 1909, at 2:53 a.m. there were 127 riders for the start of the first Giro d'Italia from Piazza Loreto in Milan. The first stage of 400 Km, from Milan to Bologna, was won by Dario Beni.
The winner of the 1909 Giro d'Italia was Luigi Ganna.
If you are in Milan on Sunday, May 17th, stop by after midnight at the Piazza Loreto to see the start, at 2:53 a.m., of a ride to celebrate the 100th anniversary (details: http://italiancyclingjournal.blogspot.com/2009/04/re-living-1st-stage-of-1909-giro.html).
After the Giro we'll get back to "regular programming": everything from A to Z about Italian cycling. Stories, including cycling trip stories, for the Italian Cycling Journal welcome; contact veronaman@gmail.com.
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